PM Kisan Tractor Yojana : Big News! 50% subsidy for tractor buyers
PM Kisan Tractor Yojana: The central government continues to run many schemes to increase the income of the farmers and improve the economic condition. The government has also brought many schemes keeping them in mind. Under PM Kisan Yojana, Rs 6000 is deposited in his account annually. Subsidies are given on seeds, fertilizers, and many types of machines. The government gives subsidy to farmers to buy tractors.
We also told you in the previous post that you are being fooled in the name of tractor subsidy scheme, there are many online portals that are adding money to you by running a fake tractor scheme, In which we told you how you can be cheated in the name of Fake Tractor Scheme.
Avoid such fraud links, do not click on the correct information. For this, you should go to your nearest CSC center and get information about PM Kisan Tractor Scheme from there.
Know what is PM Kisan Tractor Yojana
Farmers need tractors for farming. There are many farmers in the country who are unable to buy tractors due to financial constraints. He either takes a tractor on rent or does the farming with the help of bullocks. Keeping such farmers in mind, the government has come up with PM Kisan Tractor Scheme. Under this scheme, farmers get tractor at half price.
how much subsidy Kisan Tractor Scheme
he central government gives subsidy PM Kisan Tractor Yojana to farmers to buy tractors. Under this, farmers can buy tractors from the company at half the price. The government will give the rest of the money. Apart from this, many state governments also give subsidy of 20 to 50% on tractors to the farmers at their own level.
How to get the benefit of the scheme
The government gives subsidy on only one tractor. If you want to take advantage of this scheme, then you should have Kisan Aadhar card, land paper, bank details, passport size photo. Under this scheme, farmers can apply online by visiting any nearest Common Service Center.
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