Mera Ghar Mere Naam Scheme Punjab - मेरा घर मेरे नाम स्कीम पंजाब कैसे लाभ उठाएं
Mera Ghar Mere Naam Scheme Punjab - मेरा घर मेरा नाम स्कीम पंजाब कैसे लाभ उठाएं , मुख्यमंत्री ने की 'मेरा घर, मेरे नाम' योजना की घोषणा , पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री चरणजीत चन्नी ने शुरू की 'मेरा घर मेरे नाम' योजना , CM चन्नी ने पंजाब में शुरू की 'मेरा घर-मेरे नाम' स्कीम , पंजाब सरकार का बड़ा फैसला, 'लाल डोरा' के घरों के लिए , 'लाल लकीर' के घरों में रह रहे लोगों के नाम होगी प्रॉपर्टी.

The state government of Punjab has just started a scheme named ‘Mera Ghar Mere Naam’ which has been started by the new Chief Minister of Punjab, Charanjit Singh Channi. Let us tell you that under the ‘Mera Ghar Mere Naam’ scheme, the houses falling under the red line will be registered and will be registered in the name of the person residing in that place.
Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme was first started in rural parts. Now this scheme will work to give ownership rights to the people living between the red lines in the urban areas. According to the government, this scheme has proved to be very beneficial for those who are in need.
red line; It is that part of the land which belongs to the township of the village but it is kept for non-agricultural purposes only.
The work of this scheme has been entrusted to the Revenue Department. It is being told that the Punjab government will first prepare the maps through drones, after that the prepared map will be installed 6 times in the village or city.
If anyone has any objection, he can report within 15 days, but if there is no objection to the place, then the person living at the place shown according to the map will be made the owner of that land.
NRIs under Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme
A decision has also been taken for NRIs under Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme, in which the land of NRIs will also be identified and entered in the land records. So that no one can manipulate their ownership rights. Such a decision has been taken due to the increasing cases of encroachments on the lands of NRIs.
Punjab government is coming soon with an act. No one will be able to take possession of the property of NRIs. It will be included in the revenue record that this property belongs to NRIs. Many Punjabis living abroad are worried about the possession of their property.
Facts related to Mera Ghar Mere Naam Scheme
- The ‘Mera Ghar Mere Naam’ scheme was launched by Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on 17 October 2021.
- The scheme has been launched to give ownership rights to people living in houses built within the ‘red streak’ in villages and cities.
- Initially this scheme was started only for the rural parts, but now there is talk of extending the benefits of this scheme to the eligible residents of the cities.
- The red line is that part of the land which is part of the village settlement and is used only for non-agricultural purposes.
- The Revenue Department has been directed to conduct drone survey of such residential properties in both rural and urban areas for digital mapping.
- After the verification process of identity and verification Property Cards (Sanad) will be provided to all eligible residents. So that they can be given the right of ownership in a time bound manner.
- People who have been living for a long time in houses built in old localities Will be benefited by being included under this scheme.
- It is noteworthy that the state government is under another scheme named ‘Basera’. It is benefitting the people living in slum areas outside the ‘Lal streak’ by providing ownership rights.
Let us inform that the work has been entrusted to the Revenue Department in relation to this scheme. The ownership of the property within the first ‘red line’ will be given. No government expenditure will be taken on this.
Maps of every village and city have been prepared with drone mapping. At the same time, the Punjab government is soon coming up with an act for the property of NRIs (Non-Resident Indians).
No one will be able to take possession of the property of NRIs. It will be included in the revenue record that this property belongs to NRIs. Many Punjabis living abroad are worried about the possession of their property.
If there is any dispute regarding the ownership of the property, then 15 days time will be given to file an objection.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme Name | Mera Ghar Mere Naam Scheme |
Scheme Under | Punjab Government |
Launched By | Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi |
Launch Date | October 17, 2021 |
Beneficiaries | Residential land property owners in villages and cities |
Objective | To ensure right ownership and transparency in residential property matters in villages and cities. |
Objectives and benefits of the scheme:
- The objective of this scheme is to spread awareness in villages and cities. Claiming ownership and keeping records of all residential property owned by residents.
- The use of technology will lead to technological development in the state through mapping and surveying.
- It aims to reduce disputes over property issues.
- The objective of this scheme is to reduce the exploitation of the poor in matters of property.
- Property cards will be issued to the eligible owners of the house.
- Its objective is to accelerate the overall development related to property matters in the state.
- The ownership of the property within the ‘red line’ will be given.
- No government expenditure will be taken on this.
- Maps of every village and city have been prepared with drone mapping.
- 15 days will be given for filing objection.
Key Points:
- Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme has been started by the Punjab Government for the ground matters in villages and cities.
- To the houses within the red line will be registered in the name of their rightful owners giving them the right of ownership.
- Red line means the land which is either kept for residential purpose or for other non-agricultural purpose.
- This scheme has been implemented in both urban and rural areas, under which a survey will be done by drone and a map will be prepared by digital mapping of residential properties.
- Once the right of ownership is acquired, the situation of illegal occupation of the property by a third person will be avoided.
- The direct objective of the scheme is to reduce the corruption which is spread in land matters.
- Property cards will also be issued to give ownership rights.
- 15 days time will be given for complaint cases after that without any hearing the land will be given to the person who is living on it at present.
- The property card given by the government will also be helpful in getting loan from various financial institutions to the owner of the land and it will also prove beneficial in selling the land at a good price.
- the scheme will help in ensuring the rights of residential property.
What is Mera Ghar Mere Naam Scheme
Under the ‘Mera Ghar Mere Naam’ scheme, the houses falling under the red line will be registered and will be registered in the name of the person residing in that place.
Mera Ghar Mere Naam Yojana is the scheme of which state?
This scheme has been started in Punjab State.
When did the Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme start?
This scheme was launched by the Punjab government on 17 October 2021.
What type of land has to be registered under Mera Ghar Mere Naam Yojana?
Under the Mera Ghar Mere Naam scheme, such land will be registered which is located within the red line in villages or urban areas.
How many days have been given to appeal under Mera Ghar Mera Naam Scheme?
If anyone has to appeal in the matter of land ownership, then the Punjab government has given 15 days for it.
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